Piper at Mytholmroyd Memorial
Sunday, 11 November 2018
A piper played at Mythholmroyd’s war memorial at 6am on Sunday, November 11, marking the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day.
Photos: Joan Heath
The timing of 6am was deliberate. That was the time at which the agreement ending the First World War was signed. It stated that all hostilities would cease at 11am.
Journalist Peter Lazenby told the HebWeb, "Although they knew the war was over, glory-hungry military leaders ordered that pre-planned attacks should continue up to the 11am deadline. As a result 11,000 young, Allied soldiers were slaughtered in the five hours between 6am and 11am."
The piper at Mytholmroyd was one of more than 350 who played at war memorials across the UK at 6am. Each played the same tune, “The Battle’s O’er.”
The memorials were organised by the Glasgow-based College of Pipers.
The piper was musician Peader Long, who lives in the Calder Valley. Bands he has played with include the Peace Artistes, and he currently plays with Red Hippo.
At this morning's commemoration a poem, "The Piper," was read out by local resident Wayne Ogden. Wayne has carried out extensive research on the Great War's effects on Mytholmroyd - more than 100 young men from Mytholmroyd were killed,
Around 40 people attended the 6am Mytholmroyd ceremony.