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Artsmill Exhibition - Instigate : Exchange

Thursday, 28 February 2019

ArtsMillArtsmill, Linden Road Hebden Bridge
Weds 6th - Sun 24th March 

Open Weds-Sun 11-4
Preview: Sunday, 3 March, 2-4pm

Instigate : Exchange

Instigate : Exchange is the name of a long-standing collaborative experiment between two artists – Ebony Andrews & Ian C. Taylor. The title itself says much about their methodology: one of the two artists first 'instigates' the creation of a piece via the presentation of an everyday object, and then passing it back and forth between one another, alternations and additions are made at each 'exchange'. 

What makes the project a little unusual is that it has been ongoing for four years (under the same title), and even more unusual, that the additions made by either artist are done largely behind closed doors and without consultation with one another – producing some unexpected and quite surprising results!

Instigate : Exchange   Instigate : Exchange

Ebony Andrews says, ‘Ian C. Taylor and I have known each other for many years - back when he was my tutor in sculpture when I studied Art Foundation at Bradford College 20 yrs ago.

As friends, about 4 years ago we decided to join forces in (what we thought at that time) would be a relatively short term collaborative experiment. Of course we know now it has been going on for a long time! The idea is quite simple, and it has pushed us both to do things and take risks in ways we wouldn't do so otherwise.

The project has been exhibited in a few other places, Todmorden, Halifax and Grassington, but many of the works in the Artsmill show are new. This is our first proper show of the project in Hebden Bridge. Within the show we also intend to display a number of works which are exclusively our own too, not many, but enough for people to see how our works look separately, and how they look combined - the influence we have had over one another I suppose!” 

The exhibition is on till 24th of March.