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MEP Green candidate to visit Blackshaw Head

Sunday, 19 May 2019

Amelia Womack, deputy leader of the Green Party, and Magid Magid, Lord Mayor of Sheffield and the Green Party's MEP candidate for Yorkshire will be visiting Blackshaw Head on Tuesday 21st May. Around midday, they will visit Pennine Community Power’s wind turbine in Blackshaw Head, the PV solar panels at Colden J&I School and Blackshaw Environmental Action Team's community orchard.

As part of his tour, Magid will also visit Incredible Edible in Todmorden and St Augustine's in Halifax. He has visited towns and cities across Yorkshire from York to Doncaster, Bradford to Harrogate, meeting local activists and community groups and has spoken at packed events each evening.

The Green Party cllaim to be the largest Pro-EU party represented in the European Parliament with 3 MEPs. The party is looking to capitalise on its best ever Local Election earlier this month where it saw a 270% increase in the number of Green councillors.

Magid MagidMagid Magid said, "I've been honoured to serve as Lord Mayor of Sheffield for the last year and I've had an amazing time. I want to extend this now to represent not just Sheffield, but the whole Yorkshire and Humber region. I want to raise the profile of our region in the EU so that we never feel 'left behind' again. We need to be leaders, not leavers!

"But there's so much more to the European elections than Brexit. The climate emergency is the defining issue of our generation and the Green Party are unapologetically leading the way. Our message is really resonating, we've got a better story to tell."

The Chair of Calderdale Green Party, Finn Jensen said, "Magid’s message has really been resonating with voters across our region. The Green Party are the only party that can be counted on to be clear on where we stand on Brexit and climate change.

"The Brexit project led by Nigel Farage has capitalised on the neglect of our communities and unleashed the darkest elements onto our nation, bringing them dangerously close to the mainstream. The far-right are now a sickness in our politics.”

"The Green Party is an anti-austerity party that believes in addressing social inequality."