Warstein and St Pol celebrate 55 years of Twinning
Friday, 12 April 2019
A small delegation from Hebden Royd Town Council and the Hebden Bridge Twinning Society (HBTS) were invited by our twin towns Warstein (Germany) and St Pol-sur-Ternoise (France) to the initial celebration of their 55 years of twinning, which took place in Warstein from the 6th to the 7th April 2019.
Waiting for the main ceremony to begin
We all stayed with families in Warstein and enjoyed relaxing with them, as well as taking part in the heartfelt ceremonies of remembrance and reaffirmation of the bonds of friendship between all our towns.
Our deputy-mayor Stephne Harrison with the mayors
of the twin and friendship towns
The programme for the weekend was a perfect combination of the serious and the more informal aspects of town twinning. New friends were made as well as old friends re-visited.
Applauding music at the evening celebration
It reminded us of course that between now and 2021 Hebden Royd will be celebrating 40 years of twinning with St Pol-sur-Ternoise and 25 with Warstein!
Wreath laying at the war memorial
HebWeb News: Twinning Society joins Warstein’s Autumn Festival (30 October 2018)
HebWeb News: Italian visitors welcomed by Hebden Bridge Twinning Society (6 June 2018)
HebWeb News: Visit from Twin Town St Pol to Hebden Bridge (May 2018)
HebWeb News: Hebden Bridge Twinning: Gig at the Trades (Feb 2018)
HebWeb News: Hebden Bridge Twinning: Visit from Warstein (26 Oct 2017)
HebWeb News: Hebden Bridge Twinning featured on BBC Radio Leeds from St Pol (17 Oct 2017)
HebWeb News: Twinning Society seeks work experience for a young man from St Pol (30 June 2017)
HebWeb News: Hebden Bridge Twinning Society has a great trip to St Pol! (4 June 2017)
HebWeb News: Join the Twinning Society trip to St Pol (31 March 2017)