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Rachel Reeves Planning

From Enid Craven

Monday 8 July 2024

Do you realise now Labour are in Power, Rachel Reeves had said all Windfarm planning will be decided at Government Level, and not by Local Councils? Also they are opening up all Green Belt for building houses, which is mandatory. I warned of their agenda ages ago. Calderdale Wind farm must be rubbing his hands in glee!  I am totally against this proposal, but if you voted Labour you only have yourself to blame.

From Bernard B

Wednesday 10 July 2024

At least Calderdale Council has stopped using peat in flower beds and hanging baskets as part of its Climate Action Priority (HebWeb news item)

From Andy M

Thursday 11 July 2024

I think this will apply to large scale onshore wind farms which will be treated like other large infrastructure projects, ie at a national level.