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Large Windfarm proposal

From Jim McNeill - SDP

Saturday 12 October 2024

It pains me to say it, but as Hebden Bridge and the country have rejected nuclear and fracking, proposals such as Walshaw Moor need to go ahead.

There is no serious prospect of energy demand falling (AI is already using more power than Iceland), so the realistic options are hydro and onshore and offshore wind.

Onshore must play a significant part, and it is hypocritical in the extreme for those who have opposed nuclear to expect a special case to be made locally against the windfarm proposal. There are no magical lowland greyfield alternatives, and installations of the necessary scale will be disruptive in construction and have consequences for the local environment.

My preference would be the recommissioning of Wyfla and an accelerated program of SMRs built by Rolls Royce, but as the incoming Labour government has set its face against both, the Walshaw Moor proposal must have very serious consideration.

Jim McNeill is a candidate for the forthcoming Council bye-election - other candidates and more info here

From Pedro de Wit

Monday 14 October 2024

The windfarm on Walshaw Moor is a terrible idea. Yes, we need to ween ourselves of fossil fuel for the long term good of the planet but we also have to preserve our precious land scape for our children and grand children. 

There is really not one good reason, except greed, to locate this windfarm on Walshaw Moor. We have plenty of space for offshore windfarms and millions of acres of wasteland or farmland that could be utilized. Besides all this the efficiency of windfarms leaves a lot to be desired and definitely not worth destroying a unique landscape.

From George Murphy

Friday 18 October 2024

Well, it doesn't seem to pain you too much Mr McNeill, if you don't even weigh the arguments put forward by your opponents.

Can you explain why you haven't  mentioned the site's cultural significance, its economic importance as a tourist attraction, the impracticality of delivering and constructing giant turbines on a peat bog reached via minor roads and the importance of blanket bogs in terms of alleviating flooding and resistance to global warming?

If you do some research, you'll find that the people opposing the plans are not NIMBYs. They include well known and respected advocates for wind and solar farms who also have a scientific basis for defending our remaining peat bogs.

From Jim McNeill

Tuesday 22 October 2024

I have actually considered the arguments Mr Murphy, and I have no doubts of their sincerity or the knowledge of the people making them. However we are faced with bleak choices since we didn't build nuclear power when we had the chance, and my judgement is that the considerations you have listed are outweighed by our energy needs.
To my knowledge, nobody has listed more viable alternative sites, perhaps you know of some?

From Tim M

Wednesday 23 October 2024

The problem with this site is that it is not viable! It's an SSSI with no access, and grid connections are a long way away. The only thing that makes it viable is that it is high up and owned by one person.

The whole point of mitigating the climate catastrophe is to safeguard nature and reduce the impact of climate damage - this actually damages nature and likely increases the risk of local climate damage through flooding.

It's a highly speculative scheme that sets an alarming precedent. If here, why not in the Yorkshire Dales or Lake District?

From Jenny S, on behalf of Stronger Together - Stop Calderdale Wind Farm

Saturday 2 November 2024

Jim McNeill says, "To my knowledge, nobody has listed more viable alternative sites, perhaps you know of some?"

Two studies this year have produced evidence that the requirement for increased onshore wind can be easily met without building on protected peatland. One of the studies was by Friends of the Earth/Exeter University, the other by the RSPB.  

For info, the FoE/Exeter University report is here 

The RSPB Report is here 

From Dai Larner

Monday 4 November 2024

Jenny, are you in favour of putting a solar farm on Bridestones? The report says this is a viable option.

From Jenny S

Friday 22 November 2024

Tell us more Dai, what would be the impact on Bridestone of a solar pv array? I don't know anything about this.

From Tom S

Wednesday 11 December 2024

I don't know Mr. McNeill and might disagree with him on other matters, but I admire him for confronting his local electorate with this inconvenient truth: offshore farms are not enough. And everyone everywhere says 'Not here, somewhere else'.

(I am reminded of all the Hebden Bridgers who campaigned proudly against a local Sainsbury's, while happily having supermarket groceries delivered to their houses by vans).

From Garry Lavin

Thursday 16 January 2025

I have a raft of technological objections, even after years of teaching industrial design with eco considerations of good husbandry of energy…. but this is a personal statement:

Having been brought up on Blackstone Edge…I have walked all the south Pennine hills….. but I regularly went back to Crimsworth Dean for the ultimate marvel at the landscape and escape from work stress. Magnificent light and colour. 

On returning from the north… I always came from Oxenhope direction to marvel at the vista.

Obviously to some…it's just a windy open space to be developed.

I currently live on IoM but I regularly make a trip back and get up there…. costs a bloody fortune!

I used to work in the mill…generations of mill workers must have got solace up there!

Of course…. they would never site these in the Dales, Lake District, Peak District…. or the Cotswolds or Chilterns!  But it's…The North.

If I was still on BBC TV, I would strongly advocate a documentary on this…. in fact… I will nevertheless. Mind you, they don't make Telly as such anymore.

Garry Lavin…. former BBC 2 hit technology presenter; designer; intermediate technology lecturer; fabricator; artist; technologist.

From Andy M

Friday 14 February 2025

Just  to refer back to an earlier post re the FoE/Exeter University report, the methodology actually says for onshore wind developments:


Not excluded. A general rule of thumb is that developments can be allowed if it can be shown that there will be a positive impact on carbon sequestration, water retention and biodiversity, including through peat restoration.

From Jenny S

Monday 17 February 2025

Andy M is right (14 Feb) to point out that the Friends of the Earth/ Exeter University mapping study of appropriate new onshore wind and solar sites doesn't rule out all peatland sites. It includes those where it can be shown that there will be a positive impact on carbon sequestration, water retention and biodiversity, including through peat restoration. 

But its map does exclude Walshaw Moor as an appropriate site for new onshore wind and solar pv. 

And since it takes 1 year to form 1mm of peat, any restoration of damage caused to peat's natural carbon capture and storage, water quality, flood risk mitigation and biodiversity would take an impossibly long time, far beyond the lifetime of any wind farm. 

The RSPB study does explicitly exclude protected peatland, sensitive upland land covers and mapped priority habitats from its calculations of appropriate land that's available for increased onshore wind. It still finds that even with these constraints there is more than enough available land for the new windfarm capacity the government and UK Climate Change Committee say is needed for Net Zero. 

This is why the Parliamentary petition calls on the government to ban windfarms on protected peatland in England as it reforms national planning regulations and introduces a land use framework and spatial energy strategy.  You can sign the petition here

See also:

HebWeb Forum: Large Windfarm proposal (Oct 2023 - April 2024)

HebWeb News: Ted Hughes Estate Backs the Campaign to stop Wind Farm 3 March 2024

HebWeb News: Stop Calderdale Wind Farm - Website launched 30 Jan 2024

HebWeb News: Walshaw Moor Wind Farm Public Meeting 13 Dec 2023

HebWeb News: Large Windfarm proposed 26 Sept 2023

Save and Restore Walshaw Moor

Stop Calderdale Wind Farm website

Facebook: Calderdale Windfarm Action Group (against)

Facebook: Calderdale Wind & Climate Action Group (for)