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Hebden Bridge Picture House Gala Night

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

A packed sold out auditorium celebrated the transfer to the Town Council of the Picture House. Complete with a guest appearance from the Director, Kay Mellor, Fanny & Elvis re-lived memories of filming from the late 1990s for many of those in attendance.

Former mayor Robin Dixon led the celebrations acting as Master of Ceremonies with speeches from the current Mayor of Calderdale, Cllr Nader Fekri and Mayor of Hebden Royd, Cllr Scott Trickett.

Thanks were expressed to those who have helped and supported the Picture House in the past and all the staff of the Picture House.

'We would like to thank all those who made such an effort to attend on Sunday evening' ' Kay Mellor gave us a real insight into the film and all I could see was happy faces enjoying this great asset that we have in our community, the Picture House. said Cllr Scott Trickett.

The last minute appearance on the big screen by Ray Winstone talking about the making of the film brought a real celebrity feel to the evening. Town Clerk, Jason Boom said 'we hope to show this prior to appropriate screenings a the cinema in the next few days.'

"Images of the event show just what a wonderful night it was," added Jason Boom.

Hebden Bridge Picture House Gala Night

Kay Mellor, writer of Fanny and Elvis

Hebden Bridge Picture House Gala Night

Kay Mellor with Hebden Royd Mayor Scott Trickett

Hebden Bridge Picture House Gala Night

Hebden Bridge Picture House Gala Night

Hebden Bridge Picture House Gala Night

Hebden Bridge Picture House Gala Night

Hebden Bridge Picture House Gala Night


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