Celebration of 40 years of twinning between Hebden Royd and St Pol-sur-Ternoise
Wednesday, 5 June 2019
At 6am on Thursday 30th May, a happy group of travellers boarded a coach in Hebden Bridge to travel to our twin town St Pol-sur-Ternoise (France) to celebrate 40 years of twinning.
Councillor Pat Fraser bringing greetings from the Mayor of Hebden
Most, including Councillors Pat Fraser and June Cammack, were members, old and new, of the Hebden Bridge Twinning Society.
The joyous, yet thoughtful, celebrations took place in St Pol from the 30th May to the 2nd June 2019. Friends from our other twin town Warstein (Germany) also joined us in our celebration.
Imogen and Alice presenting events
An important part of the official programme was a round table on the future of twinning, especially in regard to the younger demographic. As a reflection of this the Official Ceremony was ably managed by Imogen representing the Hebden Bridge Twinning Society and Alice representing the ASPAI (St Pol twinning society).
A little walk led by Guy Denudt
As ever, our programme was a perfect combination of the serious and the more informal aspects of town twinning. The time we spent with our host families was as important as the more formal events. New friendships were initiated and old friendships strengthened.
Having fun at the Salle Martin
This of course was just the first part of celebrations for our 40th Anniversary. Next year St Pol will come to Hebden Royd to complete our festivities!
HebWeb News: Warstein and St Pol celebrate 55 years of Twinning (12 April 2019)
HebWeb News: Twinning Society joins Warstein’s Autumn Festival (30 October 2018)
HebWeb News: Italian visitors welcomed by Hebden Bridge Twinning Society (6 June 2018)
HebWeb News: Visit from Twin Town St Pol to Hebden Bridge (May 2018)
HebWeb News: Hebden Bridge Twinning: Gig at the Trades (Feb 2018)
HebWeb News: Hebden Bridge Twinning: Visit from Warstein (26 Oct 2017)
HebWeb News: Hebden Bridge Twinning featured on BBC Radio Leeds from St Pol (17 Oct 2017)
HebWeb News: Twinning Society seeks work experience for a young man from St Pol (30 June 2017)
HebWeb News: Hebden Bridge Twinning Society has a great trip to St Pol! (4 June 2017)
HebWeb News: Join the Twinning Society trip to St Pol (31 March 2017)