Update: no more duvet covers and sheets needed... for now.
Thursday, 30 April 2020
"A big thanks to an amazing and generous community. We've made another 70 bags (so 200 in total now)... and enough fabric for another batch or two, so that's plenty for now. Thanks once again for your amazing support"
More duvet covers and sheets needed... can you help?
Monday, 27 April 2020
The HebWeb has received a request to help Niladri make more laundry bags for the NHS. Staff can put their used scrubs straight into the bag so that they can be washed without further handling - thus reducing infection risk.
The second batch of laundry bags, just before they entered active service.
Niladri and his team have made over 130 laundry bags. The first batch went to various places including Calderdale Royal Hospital, Bradford Royal Infirmary, and a team of district nurses.
We know that some of the batch we dropped off yesterday will be going to critical care nurses in Kirklees.
Chatting to Jill, our volunteer coordinator, it's clear that there's still a lot of demand in our region, so we thought we'd crack on with another batch or two.
Niladri says, "A huge thank you to everyone who generously donated the bed linen we've used so far. And thank you in advance to anyone able to donate this time."
Niladri needs more cotton or poly-cotton duvet covers and sheets to make more laundry bags. Singles, doubles or bigger are all great.
If you have anything suitable that you no longer need, and are happy to donate, please drop them round to his front yard
38 Foster Lane
Hebden Bridge
There'll be an obvious plastic box sitting there.
If there's anything donated that they don't use, they will pass it on to a suitable charity shop (post lockdown, obviously).
Thanks for any help you can give.