A celebration of 27 years of twinning between Hebden Royd and Warstein
Thursday, 11 August 2022
When Warstein Deputy Mayor Gregor Wolle stood up to speak at the civic welcome at the Town Hall on Friday 5th August, his greetings to everyone in Hebden Royd were warm and heartfelt.
Enjoying the buffet at the Twinning Society Social
Gregor Wolle said that "Over the past 27 years, we have become close and, in some cases, personal friends. Every Warsteiner who has ever visited West Yorkshire and your beautiful town raves about the attractive landscape and about the hospitality of the people! It leaves behind lasting memories and the desire to embark on a journey from Germany across the English Channel to see you again."
With the Deputy Mayor at the Hiroshima Commemoration
Gifts of books and book tokens were exchanged between the two towns strengthening the bonds of culture between us.
Our guests from Warstein really appreciated the warm words of welcome from our Mayor Jane Hoyle at the town hall and at the civic dinner at the Dusty Miller especially as she was bravely keeping going despite a broken arm! At the end of her speech in the Town Hall Mayor Hoyle said, "I hope that the next few days will be a joyful time for you as you catch up with old friends and make new ones. I look forward to getting to know you better over this weekend" – and her hope was certainly fulfilled.
At the Penny Steps, Cragg Vale
Mayor Jane Hoyle and Warstein Deputy Mayor Gregor Dolle
Hebden Hey Scout Leaders