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Town Council backs calls for immediate cease fire in Gaza

Friday, 8 March 2024

On Wednesday 6th March 2024, Hebden Royd Town Council discussed a motion proposed by its members regarding the currently unacceptable situation that exists in the Middle East.

After careful discussion and contributions from the public the following was resolved:

Hebden Royd Town Council will:

  • Join other councils calling for an immediate permanent ceasefire, in order to facilitate an intense period of diplomacy, bring humanitarian aid into Palestine, and provide an opportunity to seek the immediate release of hostages.
  • Work together with key representatives and community leaders across the borough towards a common objective of ensuring that people can continue to feel safe in Hebden Royd and live without fear of intimidation, harassment, or hatred. 
  • Continue to take a stand against Islamophobia, Antisemitism, and all forms of hatred.
  • Record its unequivocal condemnation of the terrorist attacks by Hamas against civilians in Israel.
  • Record its unequivocal condemnation of the conduct of the Israeli government against civilians in Palestine.
  • Offer a kind and compassionate welcome to those displaced by the conflict, reaffirming our commitment as a place of sanctuary.

Hebden Royd Town Council calls on the UK government to:

  • Call on all parties to respect international humanitarian law.
  • To support the upholding of international law, with appropriate investigation, accountability for breaches and prosecution for war crimes. 
  • Demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire, the release and return of all hostages, proper access to food and water, medical supplies, and access to health services; and beyond that a lasting resolution to deliver peace and a long lasting two state solution that allows both states to live in peace.
  • Immediately reinstate United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) funding, allowing the agency to continue its vital work in preventing famine and disease in Palestine. 
  • Suspend the licensing of UK military equipment to all parties involved in this conflict.
  • Call on Israel to comply with the International Court of Justice's  provisional measures ruling and publicly support the work of the International Criminal Court. 
  • Endorse a serious and concerted reinvigoration of international efforts for a two-state solution.
  • Use the UK Resettlement Scheme to allow a route to safety for those seeking refuge from the conflict.
  • Request that the borough's two MPs actively support the above actions.

See also

HebWeb Forum: Town Council Motion on Israel-Palestine Conflict

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