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Friday 24 May 2024

Thanks to the Hebden Bridge Literary & Scientific Society and the Pennine Heritage Trust for the following info:

Locals flock to hear about the impact of proposed Calderdale Wind Farm

More than 250 people from across the Calder Valley turned out to learn more about the environmental threats and challenges raised by the proposed Calderdale Wind Farm on Walshaw Moor Estate.

A public forum, Calderdale Wind Farm: A Hostile Act? was held on 15 May at the Birchcliffe Centre in Hebden Bridge. The audience heard about the potential impact of constructing 65 turbines on an area covering more than nine square miles.

The developers, Calderdale Wind Farm Ltd, are proposing to build one of the largest onshore wind farms in England on a Special Area of Conservation and a Special Protection Area for upland birds.

Locally based author and broadcaster Horatio Clare provided an impassioned overview of the potential destruction of an internationally recognised wildlife-rich peat moorland, beloved of walkers, artists and visitors.

Nina Smith, local walker and campaigner explained the impact on threatened bird species which thrive in the area.

Dr Steve Ely, Director of the Ted Hughes Network at the University of Huddersfield, explored the landscapes which inspired Ted Hughes and would be transformed, and in some cases, destroyed by the turbines.

Carl Lawrence, Emeritus Professor of Engineering at Leeds University explained the construction challenge of creating the wind farm, and how this would irreparably industrialise the peat moorland. He highlighted that damaging and removing the peat bogs would impact significantly on this vital storage of significant quantities of carbon and water. His presentation, Wind Farms on Peat: The Green Debate is available at, along with other material from the event.

The presentations attracted a large number of questions from those attending. As well as raising awareness of the potential impact, the event provided an opportunity to register support for the community-led Stop Calderdale Wind Farm.

Intended to raise public awareness, this fact-finding event was organised jointly by Hebden Bridge Literary & Scientific Society and the Pennine Heritage Trust in association with Stop Calderdale Wind Farm campaign.

Mike Tull, President of the Hebden Bridge Literary & Scientific Society and Chair of the Pennine Heritage Trust said, "These plans, if taken forward, will fundamentally change the nature of the Calder Valley and the surrounding area. We felt it was important to provide a forum where the facts could be laid out and discussed, enabling people to make up their minds about the scheme."

More info

Stop Calderdale Wind Farm website

HebWeb Forum: Windfarm proposal (From 2 May 2024)

HebWeb News: Calderdale Wind Farm - A Hostile Act? 7 April 2024

HebWeb News: Ted Hughes Estate Backs the Campaign to Stop Calderdale Wind Farm 3 March 2024

HebWeb News: Writers, artists and conservationists oppose windfarm. 23 Feb 2024

HebWeb News: Walshaw Moor wind farm - website launched (30 Jan 2024)

HebWeb Forum: Large Windfarm proposal (Oct 2023 - Jan 2024)

Guardian: What do Saudi developers know of Heathcliff? 7 Jan 2024

HebWeb News: Walshaw Moor Wind Farm Public Meeting 13 Dec 2023

HebWeb News: Large Windfarm proposed 26 Sept 2023

Facebook: Calderdale Windfarm Action Group (against)

Facebook: Calderdale Wind & Climate Action Group (for)

Turning Calderdale Green blog post

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