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Calder Valley
Community Land
Trust - latest

Saturday 22 June 2024

The Calder Valley Community Land Trust is a member-led community benefit society with charitable status, created to help address and meet housing needs in this part of Calderdale. They are part of the fast-growing community-led housing network, where local people play a leading role in solving local housing problems, creating genuinely affordable homes and stronger communities.

Trust's first home in Hebden Bridge!

In partnership with the former owner of 17 Brunswick Street the Land Trust have completed the purchase of our first property in Hebden.

The former owner said, "When I decided to sell my house, I was told by the estate agents that it would likely become an Airbnb. I didn't want that to happen. There are so few affordable rented homes in Hebden, and I'd been aware of the CLT's work so got in touch with them to discuss what might be possible.

"I believe that we as a society will all be better off if more of our assets are owned by the community. Selling this house to the CLT is one small step in that direction that was within my power to take."

The Trust are in the process of arranging a retrofit of the property to alleviate poverty through lower energy bills whilst reducing its impact on climate change.

You must be registered with Keychoice to apply for this new home.

Refugee homes in Hebden Bridge

The 2 empty properties above One Stop in Hebden Bridge have funding to make them affordable rented homes for refugees. The Trust are waiting for the lease and grant agreement from Calderdale Council to enable them to proceed with the renovation and retrofit.

Should they cease to be needed to house people with refugee status, these homes will become available to house other local residents.

Lower energy bills and a secure future for Fielden Hall, Tod

Hard work has paid off and the Trust have been informed by Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities that they have been awarded £247, 000 from the Community Ownership Fund. This goes with the £150,000 from the Todmorden Town Dealfund and £20,000 secured by the Fielden Centre Association from the National Lottery.

Lowering energy bills will make Fielden Hall more financially sustainable. The hall hosts weddings, fundraising events, choirs, arts and craft groups and more. It is a beautiful community space.

Why not become a member and add your voice to our work to bring affordable homes to the Upper Valley?

Join and pay online here

The Calder Valley Community Land Trust website

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