Covid-19 data: what's the picture locally?
For over three years, HebWeb has updated daily Covid numbers between 4pm and 6pm, usually soon after they become available. The daily figures are no longer reliable. With the ending of free testing, the daily figures can no longer be relied upon as accurate. And the Government is now updating the figures each Thursday.
Number of cases reported
Thursday, 4 May 2023: Less than 3 in Hebden Bridge, Less than 3 in Mytholmroyd and Less than 3 in Todmorden for the week to 29 April. There were 23 new cases in Calderdale (2173 on 9 Jan 2022) in the 7 days to 29 April, making 11 per 100k - the 7 days to 29 April the rate per 100k for England was 18 (1924 on 10 Jan 2022). Source 4 May 2023
Recent news
- Daily figures no longer reliable. With the ending of free testing, the daily figures can no longer be relied upon. They show a fall over the past few days, but we know that the Covid rate is currently at record levels - see below, 8 April
- The number of Covid-19 infections remains near or at record levels in most of the UK, with only Scotland experiencing a drop, figures from the Office for National Statistics have revealed. The ONS data, based on swabs collected from randomly selected households, shows that, for the second week running, about one in 13 people across the UK are thought to have had Covid – an estimated 4.88m infections. 8 April 2022
- Numbers rise nationally - over the past 7 days, there were 371662 new cases in the UK. That's a rise of 128605 over the previous week, or 52.9% 10 March 2022
- Reporting change: For 2 years, the HebWeb has been reporting the figures daily. The Government have changed the way they are reporting the stats and will onl.y be updating on weekdays from now on. So this was the last entry in the old format:
25 February 2022: 18 cases were recorded in Hebden Bridge (134 on 12 Jan) making 195 per 100K, 29 cases in Mytholmroyd (171 on 9 Jan) making 339 per 100k and 33 cases (391 on 10 Jan) in Tod making 233 per 100k for the week to 20 Feb. There were 39 new cases in Calderdale (742 on 31 Dec) making 233 per 100k. For the 7 days to 20 Feb the rate per 100k for England was 415 (337 on 12 Nov, 1924 on 10 Jan). Source 25 Feb 2022 - 150K - 220K new cases per day in the UK over the past few days. The rate per 100K in Calderdale is today 1942, Tod 2259, Mytholmroyd, 1791 and Hebden Bridge 1352. Charts below updated today. 7 Jan 2022
- 129471 new cases in the UK in the past 24 hours, another record. 28 Dec 2021
- 119789 new cases nationally in the past 24 hours, another record. 23 Dec 2021
- More than 100,000 new cases nationally - 106,122 cases. Up 59% in the past 7 days. Deaths (783) decreased by 2.7%, and hospital admissions (813) increased by 2.3% over the same period. 22 Dec 2021
More news below
Charts below, updated Wednesday, 4 May 2022 - click charts to see larger versions
Above: cases in Hebden Bridge from 16 October 2020 - 29 April2022
Click chart to enlarge
Above: cases in Mytholmroyd from 16 October 2020 - 29 April 2022
Click chart to enlarge
Above: cases in Todmorden from 16 October 2020 - 29 April 2022
Click chart to enlarge
Number of new daily cases in Calderdale from 5 Aug 2020 to - 19 Feb 2022. Not updated due to the way the Gov statistics have changed.
Click chart to enlarge
- Highest daily number of cases since the pandemic started, with the Omicron variant spreading fast. 93045 new cases yesterday and 90418 new cases today, across the UK 18 Dec 2021
- 85.2% vaccinated in Hebden Bridge with first dose (78.6 two doses), aged 12 and over, Mytholmroyd 84.2% (78.3), Tod East 84.8% (78), Tod West 80.9% (73.3), Calderdale 80.4% (73.7), Nationally 88.3% (80.3) 23 Nov 2021
- Another low for Hebden Bridge - 15 cases, (162 per 100k) lowest since 13 July 2021 23 Nov 2021
- Lowest figure since mid July 2021 for Hebden Bridge - 22 cases (238 per 100K) Lowest figures for Tod since 20 August 2021 10 Nov 2021
- Figures from Calderdale Council - for the period 1-16 October
- Vaccination rates at 20 October 2021 for those aged 12 and over - Hebden Bridge: 82.3 first dose, and 77.6 two doses. Mytholmroyd: 82.1%, 77.6%; Tod East: 82.6%, 77.2%; Tod West 78.2%, 72.5%, Calderdale 78.3% 72.7%; UK 86.1% 72.5%
- 223 deaths in one day in the UK - the highest since March 19 Oct 2021
- Another new high for Hebden Bridge - for the third day running, the worst figure since the pandemic started. 94 cases in Hebden Bridge going above 1000 per 100K for the first time (1016 per 100K) and once again higher than any single local authority in the UK. Nearly 50k new cases nationally, the worst since March 18 Oct 2021
- Highest daily figures for Hebden Bridge, Todmorden and Calderdale. 80 cases were recorded in Hebden Bridge (865 per 100k), 42 cases in Mytholmroyd (492 per 100k) and 122 cases in Tod (746 per 100k) for the week to 26 Sept. There were 238 new cases in Calderdale (544 per 100k) as a whole for the past 24 hours. 1 Oct 2021
- Weekly Calderdale COVID-19 situation dashboard from Calderdale Council 30 Sept 2021
- 374 deaths in Calderdale with Covid on the death certificate since the pandemic started - 6 in the past 7 days. 82.1% have had the first dose of the vaccine, 75.7% the second dose. 23 Sept 2021
- Hebden Bridge Vaccination rate: 85.6% first doses. 79.8% 2nd doses. Mytholmroyd, 85.6% and 79.2%. Todmorden 83.6% and 77%. 15 Sept 2021
- Todmorden reaches 626 per 100K with 94 cases 15 Sept 2021
- Hebden Bridge reaches 775 per 100k with 72 cases. 1 Sept 2021
- Hebden Bridge numbers soar higher still with a new daily high of 692 per 100k. The local authority in England with the highest rate is Mansfield with 599 per 100k. (Source) Hebden Bridge has 64 cases, Mytholmroyd 38 cases and Tod 62 cases for the 7 days to 27 Aug. 1 Sept 2021
- Hebden Bridge numbers continue to soar with a new daily high of 757 per 100k. The local authority in England with the highest rate is Sedgemoor with 596 per 100k. Hebden Bridge has 70 cases, Mytholmroyd 40 cases and Tod 60 cases for the 7 days to 25 Aug. 31 Aug 2021
- Currently, no local authority in England has a higher rate than Hebden Bridge's 671 per 100K for the 7 days to 25 Aug. 30 Aug 2021
- Another high for Hebden Bridge with 56 cases. Few areas in England have a higher rate than Hebden Bridge's 606 per 100K.28 Aug 2021
- Hebden Bridge has highest numbers yet with 48 cases, Mytholmroyd, 35 cases and Tod 46 cases for the week to 20 Aug. Hebden Bridge passed 500 cases per 100K for the first time - 509 per 100K. 25 Aug 2021
- Calderdle Council tweeted: 809 residents tested positive for #COVID19 between 21-27 July, giving Calderdale an infection rate of 383 per 100,000. This is a 30% decrease compared to the same day last week. 2 Aug 2021
- 230 new cases in Calderdale in the past 24 hours, giving a rate per 100K of 414. Three months ago, the Calderdale rate per 100K was down to below 30. Nationally, the daily number of new cases has passed 50K for the second day running, with 54674 new cases which gives a rate for England of 379 per 100K compared with around 25 per 100K for most of May. 17 July 2021
- 126 new cases in Calderdale, 70 cases in Tod and 30 in Hebden Bridge - more than 32,500 new cases nationally in the past 24 hours.Government continues to announce relaxation of restrictions, including masks. 8 July 2021
- 115 new cases in Calderdale and 26068 new cases nationally in the past 24 hours. Yesterday, the number of cases was higher in Hebden Bridge than Mytholmroyd or Todmorden. 30 June 2021
- 21 June: Hebden Bridge - highest since early January. 14 cases to the week ending 16 June, making 152 per 100k, higher than Mytholmroyd, Todmorden, Calderdale and England. Over 10k new cases nationally in the past 24 hours, the pattern for the past few days. Latest R rate for England is 1.2 to 1.4 21 June 2021
- Hebden Bridge - highest since early January. 14 cases to the week ending 16 June, making 152 per 100k, higher than Mytholmroyd, Todmorden, Calderdale and England. Over 10k new cases nationally in the past 24 hours, the pattern for the past few days. Latest R rate for England is 1.2 to 1.4 21 June 2021
- Covid numbers rise rapidly - The R rate is now 1.4. In the past 24 hours, there were over 8000 cases for the first time since the end of Feb. At the end of May the average was 2-3000 new cases per day. The Delta variant is now the dominant variant in the UK, accounting for 90% of cases, and it is estimated to be 60% more transmissable. 11 June 2021
- Covid returns to the whole Upper Valley - Mytholmroyd reports cases again, the first time for nearly 2 months. Todmorden reports the highest number of cases since 1 Feb. Nationally, the R rate rises to between 1 and 1.2. 5 June 2021
- Covid returns to Hebden Bridge with 4 cases reported, after 0-2 for 3 weeks. Nationally, the daily number has passed 5000 for the first time since March, with 5274 new cases in the past 24 hours. 4 June 2021
- Rising nationally and in Calderdale The rate in Calderdale has risen from 27 per 100k at the beginning of May to 52 now. Nationally, the number of new cases, and the number of patients admitted to hospital, are up 20% week on week. Meanwhile Hebden Bridge, Mytholmroyd and Tod continue to have 0-2 cases. 27 May 2021
- Rising slightly in Hebden Bridge - a 25 day run of 0-2 cases ended on for the week ending April 2021, with 3 cases reported, and 4 cases for the week ending 18 April. (23 April)
- A new low locally! For the first time for many months, 0-2 cases were recorded in Hebden Bridge, Mytholmroyd and Tod, for the week to 9 April. (14 April)
- Hebden Bridge has 3 cases for the week ending 15 March, after 12 days with 0-2 cases (20 March)
- World pandemic pronounced one year ago today. Thursday, 11 March 2021
- Number of new cases coming down: 5455 new cases nationally today compared 18607 on 1 Feb, and 53285 on 1 Jan. Last summer, the numbers went down to less than a 1000 new cases a day for several weeks. In Calderdale, the number of new cases has been 28 for each of the past 2 days, compared with 120 on 8 January. Last summer, the number of new cases in Calderdale per day was often in single figures. Monday, 1 March 2021
- Over 20,000 now vaccinated Sunday, 28 February 2021
- New daily cases nationally = 8523, the lowest since the beginning of October. Friday, 26 February 2021
- Easing of Lockdown measures announced Monday, 22 February 2021
- New cases falls below 10,000 for the first time since the beginning of October Monday, 15 February 2021
- Vaccination total passes 15k Sunday, 14 February 2021
- Daily death rate broken again - 1610 deaths in the past 24 hours. And another low for news cases in 24 hours - 33355. (19 Jan)
- Lowest number of new cases so far this year - 38598 nationally. And numbers slowly falling in Calderdale and the Upper Valley. Sunday, 17 January 2021
- Highest ever Covid death rate - 1564 deaths in the UK over the past 24 hours. Wednesday, 13 January 2021
- And another record high in the UK - 68053 new cases in the past 24 hours (Friday, 8 January 2021)
- Lockdown Three begins across England - similar restrictions to the original Lockdown which started last March. Tuesday, 5 January 2021
- Yet another record high in the UK - 60916 new cases in the past 24 hours (Tuesday, 5 January 2021)
- Lockdown Three begins across England - similar restrictions to the original Lockdown which started last March. Tuesday, 5 January 2021
- A further record high in the UK - 57725 new cases in the past 24 hours (Saturday, 2 January 2021)
- Another record and very worrying high for number of new UK cases in one day = 53135. The rate per 100k for England is now 403 compared with Hebden Bridge, currently at 108 (Tuesday, 29 December 2020)
- New high for number of UK cases - in one day = 41385. The rate per 100k for England is now 402 compared with Hebden Bridge, currently at 141 (Monday, 28 December 2020)
- Highest number of cases reported in the UK today - 36084 cases, and 691 deaths. (Tuesday, 22 December 2020)
- Britain cut off from Europe and much of the world. Because of the new virus strain. Lorries start piling up in Kent. Sunday 20 December
- Tier 4 introduced to London and South-East, more severe restrictions. New variant of the virus revealed with increase in transmission rate of around 70% Saturday 19 December
- First vaccinations - finally. The first of 800,000 doses from Pfizer. Tuesday, 8 December 2020
- Lockdown ends and Tier 3 begins on Wednesday 2 December, the same day as the announcement of the approval of the Pfizer vaccine.
- Upper Valley cases down 8 days in a row - 11 cases in Hebden Bridge (119 per 100k), 10 in Mytholmroyd (117 per 100k) and 28 (164 per 100k) in Tod for the week to 22 Nov. There were 71 new cases in Calderdale (306 per 100k) as a whole over the past 24 hours. Friday, 27 November 2020
- Government change ways cases are counted - again. "Cases are allocated to the person's area of residence. From 16 November 2020, PHE has updated the way it records the location of people who test positive or negative for COVID-19. It now prioritises addresses given at the point of testing over the details registered on a patient’s NHS Summary Care Record. This better reflects the distribution of cases and testing. However, it may give rise to differences in previously reported numbers of cases." - Source 16 Nov
- Vast increase in the number of cases nationally - 33570 new cases in the past 24 hours. And 232 new cases in Calderdale. Source (12 Nov)
- Rapid testing coming to Calderdale - The Department of Health and Social Care said it was sending 600,000 of the rapid tests out to directors of public health in 67 areas - listed below - as part of plans to expand asymptomatic testing for Covid-19. Mr Hancock said they would be used to test 10% of an area's community each week. Overall, 70 areas will have the new tests. Source (11 Nov)
- 532 deaths nationally reported in the past 24 hours, the highest since May. (10 Nov)
- Calderdale has 425 cases per 100,000 people in the latest week 30 Oct-5 Nov. The average area in England had 174. Source
- Another record high for the number of new cases in Calderdale - 185. Also, a record high for Mytholmroyd with 37 cases. Todmorden has 76 cases for the week to 2 Nov. Saturday, 7 November 2020
- Director of Public Health Calderdale, Debs Harkins reports that during October 12 people aged 67 to 93 have died in Calderdale. And that 1 in 40 people are estimated to have the virus right now. Source (2 Nov)
- Lockdown 2 to start on Thursday, 5 November 2020, Boris Johnson announced this evening. Saturday, 31 October 2020
- One million cases now reported in the UK since the pandemic began. Saturday, 31 October 2020
- Covid 'running riot' in England as lockdown expected next week Saturday, 31 October 2020
- The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) says there are around four times as many people catching Covid than anticipated. Another 24,405 cases reported in the past 24 hours in UK (Source) Friday, 30 October 2020
- Press release from Calderdale on Tier Three and what it means Thursday, 29 October 2020
- Tier Three West Yorkshire to go into Tier Three from Monday, 2 November. No mixing of households indoors or ourdoors in private gardens. Pubs and bars that do not serve substantial food must close and people are advised to avoid travel out of the area.
- Director of Public Health Calderdale, Debs Harkins tweeted Sunday, 25 October at 6.07pm: "Calderdale C19 case rate per 100,000 for tests carried out 7 days prior to 20/10 was 378 rise from 354 on 19/10. This is very serious"
- 23012 new cases nationally and 173 cases in Calderdale reported for the past 24 hours. Saturday, 24 October 2020
- Another record: 26,688 cases nationally and 178 in Calderdale reported for the 24 hours to Wednesday, 21 October 2020. 24 cases in Hebden Bridge, 26 in Mytholmroyd and 46 in Tod for the 7 days to 16 October.
- 21331 new cases nationally and 142 cases in Calderdale reported for the past 24 hours, both numbers a daily record Tuesday, 20 October 2020
- Calderdale Royal Hospital A&E are facing increasing pressure due to Covid19. See Tweet from Calderdale
- 19,724 new cases nationally Weds, 14 October 2020
- Three tiers introduced by the Government. As of this Wednesday, 14 October, restrictions in Calderdale are changing. Calderdale has been identified as a Tier 2 area as announced by the Government, Monday 12 October. More info
- Director of Public Health Calderdale, congratulates "local contact tracers who reached 82% of cases passed to us from NHS Test & Trace in September. They also check whether people need help to isolate and give us important local insight into how the virus may be spreading." See Tweet (9 Oct)
- Yet another record rise in the number of cases 22961 new cases nationally - Government says there was an IT glitch which meant today's figures are larger because they include cases from previous days that weren't reported. 96 new cases in Calderdale - for the week to 30 September there were 10 cases in Hebden Bridge. Source (4 Oct)
- Another record rise in the number of cases 12872 nationally, now 9 cases in Hebden Bridge and another 47 in Calderdale. Source (3 Oct)
- Hebden Bridge - the number of cases rises to 6, with another 5 in Mytholmroyd and 8 in Todmorden for the week 22-28 September. Source (2 Oct)
- Hebden Bridge - the number of cases rises to 5, with another 6 in Mytholmroyd for the week 20-26 September. Source (30 Sept)
- Cases throughout the Upper Valley - for the week ending 25 September, 4 cases in Hebden Bridge, 4 cases in Mytholmroyd and 11 cases in Todmorden. Source 29 Sept
- 7143 new cases nationally, the highest daily figure since the pandemic started. Source 29 Sept
- Hebden Bridge - the number of cases rises to 4 for the week 17-23 September. Source (27 Sept)
- Extra restrictions to continue in the Calder Valley and the rest of Calderdale, the Government has announced today (Friday 25 September). The following extra restrictions will apply:
- Meet with people you do not live with in a private house or garden. (Unless they are part of your support bubble.)
- Visit someone's house or garden, even if they live outside affected areas.
- Socialise in indoor or outdoor public settings in a group of more than six people from different households.
- Source (1 Oct)
- 3rd day running, a record daily rise - 42 new cases in Calderdale. 24 Sept
- Todmorden has 10 cases for the week 14-20 September. Mytholmroyd continues to have 0-2. Source
- NHS Covid-19 App now available for download. The app has a number of tools, including contact tracing, local area alerts and venue check-in. It uses proven technology from Apple and Google, designed to protect every user's privacy. Download links 24 Sept
- Covid-19 in Hebden Bridge For the first time since July, 3 cases have been reported in Hebden Bridge. Source (23 Sept)
- Yet another record number of new cases in Calderdale - 34. And another serious increase in the number of daily cases in the UK since yesterday - 6178 23 Sept
- Another record number of new cases in Calderdale - 28. And a worrying increase in the number of new cases in the UK in the past 24 hours - 4926 22 Sept
- Calderdale reports a further largest daily rise in the number of cases since the HebWeb started updating the figures each day in March. 26 new cases in Calderdale in the past 24 hours. Source 20 Sept
- Todmorden East and Walsden - 4 cases reported for the week 11-17 September. 21 Sept
- Calder Valley Restrictions re-introduced: Local COVID-19 restrictions remain in the Halifax constituency and will be reintroduced in the Calder Valley constituency from Tuesday 22 September, meaning that the local restrictions will apply throughout Calderdale, just 20 days after they were lifted.
- Older news
260 deaths have been reported in Calderdale caused by the coronavirus, as of 22 Jan 2021- source.
How does Calderdale compare?
At 5 February 2021 neither Calderdale nor our neighbouring authorities such as Bradford, Burnley, Kirklees and Rochdale are not any longer in the top 20 worst cases. Calderdale's rate is currently 165 per 100k.
As COVID-19 is still within our community, we should all continue to keep at least two metres away from people outside our households wherever possible, wash our hands with soap and water often, for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching our face and follow the 'catch it, bin it, kill it' guidance to help keep ourselves and others safe. Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 should stay at home and book a test as soon as possible, within five days of the symptoms starting. Please wear a face covering in shops or when travelling on public transport or in a taxi. It is also recommended that people wear face coverings whenever they are indoors with people who are not part of their household or bubble.