Save our Shops "Post boxes"
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
Save our Shops (SOS) "Post boxes" are appearing in Hebden Bridge shops and cafés this week so townspeople can post pledges to oppose Sainsbury's in Hebden Bridge.
Pledge cards are provided.
The boxes can already be found in Pennine Provisions, Holt's Grocers, Valley Organics, Saker's the Bakers, and Marco's Café, more will follow.
Organisers from SOS Hebden Bridge are launching this preemptive action should Sainsbury's appeal against the Calderdale Council decision to reject planning permission for their store development here.
They say "The deadline for Sainsbury's to appeal is 17th March. We already have 564 objections. Can we get 1000 postcard pledges to show our disapproval by the end of the month?"
The key issue is that 17th March is the deadline for Sainsbury's to appeal against the refusal of planning permission for their development of the Old Fire Station Site in Hebden Bridge.
Demonstrations at Hebden Bridge Town Hall last year
See also:
HebWeb News: Hebden Bridge head to head with Sainsbury's (16 Sept 2014)
HebWeb Forum - Sainsbury's planning meeting (Sept 2014)
HebWeb News: The Alternative to Sainsburys in Hebden Bridge (8 September 2014)
HebWeb News: Sainsbury's Plans resubmitted - without Retail Impact Assessment (15 July 2014)
Calderdale Planning: Application Summary
HebWeb News: Sainsbury's plans now online (30 Jan 2014)
HebWeb Forum - Sainsburys and Tescos survey (Feb 2014)
HebWeb News: Protests as Town Council discusses the Sainsburys bid (8 Jan 2014)
HebWeb Forum - Sainsburys and Tescos
HebWeb News - Jamie Oliver in Hebden Bridge. Hecklers question the wisdom of using Hebden Bridge to advertise a supermarket chain which puts small shops out of business. (October 2009)