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Update: Handmade Parade 2016 photos

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Handmade Parade 2016

Thousands of people will make their way to Hebden Bridge on Sunday June 26 to watch the 9th Handmade Parade with the theme this year Muck In! Where members of the local community will parade through the town in stunning eye-catching costumes made at workshops run by Handmade Parade and Russian artists from Cardboardia.

Artistic Director of Handmade Parade, Andrew Kim said, "The 'Muck In' theme aims to capture the spirit of the 2015 Boxing Day flood, celebrating the heroic super human effort from everyone to rebuild our local communities with the emphasis on fun and in enjoying the ridiculous."


Above: Photos from teh 2015 Parade. See below for HebWeb photo galleries for each of the eight previous years of the Handmade Parade

Expect to be amazed and ready for anything with the leader of Russia's Cardboardia sat on a toilet in this their first appearance in England. All this and more on the streets of Hebden Bridge with live music, dancers and stilt walkers flooding the town with happiness.

The Parade will set off at 12 noon from the Handmade Parade workshops in Victoria Road heading down Valley Road, through St George's Square and Bridge Gate to Holme Street. Finishing in Calder Holmes Park for Picnic in the Park, a mini-festival with live music, dancing with food and drink stalls provided by local vendors until 4pm.

Participants are asked to be at the parade workshops at 11am on Sunday for the line-up, with the parade starting at noon. Those taking part are asked to walk to the workshops, use public transport or park near the train station as parking around the workshops will be extremely limited.


Organisers urge visitors to walk or use public transport if at all possible and to choose vantage points away from St George's Square and Bridge Gate in order to get a better view and keep the Parade moving smoothly.

Jude Wadley, Event Producer and Outreach Co-ordinator for Handmade Parade, said, "The best vantage points to view the parade will be in Valley Road and Holme Street, where it tends to be quieter, and spectators are urged to arrive early and make a lot of noise!


"If people haven't had a chance to get to workshops but still want to be involved, we need stewards from 10am-1.30pm and volunteers to help set up and pack up in the park - 8am till 10am and 3.45pm - 6pm and also people to help carry large puppets and art in the parade."

Anyone interested in being involved on the day of the parade should contact Jude or phone 01422 844154.

Previous parade themes have included a Deluge of Delights, the Glorious Garden Party, a Hop, Skip and a Jump, the Fabulous Feast, the Enchanted Wood, Myths, Mysteries and Mayhem, Endangerous Expedition and Come Fly With Us which have inspired the most amazing and outlandish creations by local people assisted by professional artists.

Handmade Parade

For more information about this year's parade visit:
Handmade Parade Website

This year's Hebden Bridge Handmade Parade is supported by Arts Council England, Hebden Royd Town Council and Yorkshire Festival and is working in partnership with the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival and Calderdale Council.

HebWeb photo galleries all previous years of the Parade

HebWeb Photos 2016

HebWeb Photos 2015

HebWeb Photos 2014

HebWeb Photos 2013

HebWeb Photos 2012

HebWeb photos 2011

HebWeb photos 2010

HebWeb photos 2009

HebWeb Photos 2008

See also:

HebWeb News: Handmade Parade: Last week of workshops 15 June 2016

HebWeb News: Theme announced for Handmade Parade 2016 21 April 2016

HebWeb News: Handmade Parade Spark Day: ideas needed for Summer Spectacular 24 Feb 2016

HebWeb News: Announcing the 9th Annual Hebden Bridge Handmade Parade! 3 Feb 2016

Previous coverage of the Handmade Parade on the HebWeb

Handmade Parade website