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Hebden Bridge Arts Festival

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Stand-up comedy comes to Hebden Bridge… but for kids

Stand-up comedy is famous for its adult humour but thanks to Hebden Bridge Arts Festival kids can enjoy some top class comics… but without the rude bits.

Comedy for kids

Since 2005, the Comedy Club 4 Kids has been getting the best stand-ups and sketch acts from the international circuit to do their thing cleanly for an audience of children aged 6 plus and their families.

Comedy for Kids

Master storyteller Matt Highton is the show’s MC and he is joined on the bill by Paul 'Silky' White and improvisers Comedy Sportz at the kids comedy show at Hebden Bridge Town Hall on Saturday 1st July. The performers say this junior gig is just like a normal comedy club, but it's on in the day, and as the audience is wall to wall kids there is a higher than usual chance of heckles like ‘why is that your face!?’

Comedy Club 4 Kids has expanded from one London residency countrywide, and this West Yorkshire show is family friendly, but without patronising their young audience.

Arts Festival Artistic Director Helen Meller said, “It’s just like a normal comedy club, but for kids. It means the big kids sit down with their children to enjoy a swear-free hour with the international circuit's best stand-ups and sketch acts.

“We wanted to expand our offer to families during the festival and what better way to do that by making sure they can have a good laugh with comics who won’t patronise them, and hopefully make them think. There’s also a good chance the comics will pick on their parents which always amuses children.”

Comedy ClubComedy Club 4 Kids plays two shows – 130 for 2 and 3.30 for 4 – at Hebden Bridge Town Hall on Saturday 1 July.

Tickets are available from Hebden Bridge Town Hall and the box offiice is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

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