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University of 3rd Age U3A reports on the HebWeb

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The End of Everything The speaker at this month's University of 3rd Age meeting was Steve Barrett, Senior Research Fellow in Physics at the University of Liverpool. He outlined what was likely to happen to Earth, the Sun and the Universe in the futture. Read more 26 Sept 2024

Lady Killers: Michael Astrop told a recent meeting of the University of the Third Age about five cases of homicide where the accused was female and, after each one, would ask his audience whether they thought she was guilty or not guilty. Read more 21 July 2024

The Victorian Era - A Legacy of Antiques: Sheila Antrobus, speaker at the recent University of the 3rd Age meeting, spoke about Victorian rich and poor, the Great Stink of 1858, châtelaine belts, pocket watches, walking sticks and more.
Read report. 24 June 2024

So You Want to be a Pirate Chris Helme gave a recent meeting of the University of the 3rd Age a brief history of pirating, including its golden age, pieces of eight, the black eye patch, Blackbeard, Captain Morgan and Davey Jones' Locker.

Read report. 21 May 2024

Medieval Churches of West Yorkshire Dave Weldrake told a recent meeting of the University of the Third Age about the origins the churches which grew up during Anglo Saxon, Norman times, and the later Middle Ages. Read more 23 April

Crippen - A case of Mistaken Identity? The speaker at the recent University of Third Age meeting was Doctor Julian Somerville. He described Crippen's marriage, affair, accusation of murder and famous arrest. Read report 25 March

Does Colour Exist? The speaker at the recent University of Third Age meeting was Stephen Westland, who is Professor of Colour Science and Technology at the University of Leeds. While colour does exist, it doesn't exist in the way we think it does. Read report 20 Feb 2024

Murderous Anaesthetists The speaker at the University of the 3rd Age meeting on the 18 January was Alan Kershaw, who retired from a career in Anaesthesia in 2017.  Read report 25 Jan

Numbers The speaker at the recent University of the Third Age meeting, Dave Calverley, spoke about numbers and other aspects of maths, including Fibonacci (pictured right), the golden ratio, replacing Roman numerals with Indian ones and superstitions around certain numbers. Read the report 21 Nov 2023

A Solo Walk Across Africa The guest speaker at the recent meeting of the University of the Third Age was Fran Sandham, who presented 'A Solo Walk Across Africa', from Namibia on the southwest coast, to Zanzibar in the northeast. Read more 24 October

Where have all the insects gone? Dr Chris Hassall spoke at a recent meeting of the University of the Third Age, telling of the benefits of insects to human beings, and talking about their decline worldwide - insectageddon!

Read more 25 Sept

The Sun and the Northern Lights - Speaker Martin Lunn told a recent meeting of the University of the Third Age all about the Northern Lights, star nurseries, the solar wind, the Van Allen Belt and solar storms. Read more 20 Aug

Chef to the Royal Household Not ever expecting a reply, Colin Alderson told a recent meeting of the University of the Third Age how he sent a handwritten letter to Buckingham Palace asking for a job as a chef. To his surprise, this led to him being invited for an interview in London. Read more 25 July 2023

Tales of a Customs Officer The speaker at the June University of the Third Age meeting was Brian Topping who explained how the nature of the job had changed over the years, and narrated some serious, and some amusing, anecdotes. Read more 25 June

The Amazing Rise of the People's Own Shops You always remember your Co-op Number. At the recent University of the 3rd Age meeting, Dr Stephen Caunce explained that the unique feature of the Co-op was that shoppers would not be just customers, but shareholders in the venture. Read more 25 May 2023

Easter Island Susan Rogers told a University of the 3rd Age meeting last week about Easter Island.  No authentic original written records exist about the people who lived there before the 17th century.  Read more 25 April 2023

Women: The Magnificent 7 - Speaker Barrie J. Yates told a recent meeting of the University of the 3rd Age about 7 remarkable women including Hedy Lamarr, Marie Curie, Rosalind Franklin and Ada Lovelace. Read more 22 March

The Great American Songbook Speaker Roger Browne told the University of the 3rd Age about his interest in American music. Roger, a jazz pianist, who has performed with many well-known singers and musicians, has directed large-scale musicals. He told the University of the 3rd Age about his interest in American music. Read report 23 Feb

Female Suffrage "It wasn't all about the Pankhursts." Speaker Charlotte Gringras told a recent University of Third age meeting that she wasn't a historian, she began to research the suffragette movement after two discoveries about her family. Read more 24 Jan 2023

The Twelve Dates of Christmas Speaker Susan Holden told a recent meeting of the u3a about the history of the winter festival over the past 2000-3000 years: the Festival of Yule, Saint Nicholas, Christmas Pudding, Turkey and pantomime.
Read more 22 Dec 2022

Northerners: A History.  From the Ice Ages to the 21st Century. The speaker at the recent University of Third Age meeting was Brian Groom, who started work as a journalist at The Goole Times, then spent most of his career at the Financial Times. Read this fascinating report. 24 Nov

Teaching in Sudan Janet Dearden told a recent meeting of the University of her adventures while teaching students in the Sudan, designing a school and visiting the Whirling Dervishes. Read more 28 Oct 2022

Yarns for the Textile Trade Noel Moroney told a recent meeting of the University of the 3rd Age about working for Gannex, Ormerods and other local textile firms, with anecdotes about the famous, including Prime Minister Harold Wilson. Read more 26 Sept

u3a Lectern Unveiled - At the September u3a meeting held at the Central Methodist Hall, Todmorden a new lectern was unveiled in the memory of the late member David Sutcliffe. Read more 18 Sept

A Very British Meteorite Martin Lunn told a recent meeting of the University of the 3rd Age that the Middlesborough Meteorite came to Earth at Pennymans's Siding, part of the North Eastern Railway Line which at that time was in Yorkshire, and was witnessed by four railwaymen. Read report 25 Aug

Can You Hear Me Mother?

'The Art of the Monologue' was the subject of a recent talk for the University of the 3rd Age. David Skillen, the speaker, reviewed the history of the monologue and gave examples, including Stanley Holloway.

Read more 29 July 2022

The University of Third Age is 40 The University of the Third Age held an event on Saturday 16th July at Todmorden Central Methodist Hall, to celebrate the 40th Anniversary Event of u3a being formed. Read more 24 July

Resolutions and Superstitions
was the subject of a recent talk by Chris Helme to the University of the Third Age, telling of the number 13, walking round ladders, New Year customs, Valentines Days and more.

Read report 22 June 2022

The Match Girls Strike was the subject of a recent talk by Michael Astrop to the University of the Third Age, and how it was a pivotal event in the history of industrial relations and Union Representation. Read report 4 June

What Have Volcanoes Ever Done for Us? The guest speaker at the recent U3A monthly meeting was Chris Freeman, whose interest in volcanoes began when he was an apprentice in the Royal Navy. Read report 2 May

Working for the BBC The guest speaker at the at the recent University of the Third Age members' meeting was Christine Green who presented 'Working for Auntie', about her thirteen years at the BBC. Read more 10 April 2022

Growing Old Disgracefully Linda Sawley told u3a's recent meeting about 'Growing Old Disgracefully': A Guide to the Golden Years - 45 minutes of jokes, advice, pertinent observations and a singalong. Read Report. 2 March 2022

The World of Art Deco At a recent meeting of the University of the Third age, Sheila Antrobus, presented 'The Wonderful World of Art Deco', a movement which began and grew in the 1920s and 1930s.

Read more 8 Feb 2022

Online Fraud and Scams Kay Bainbridge, who works for West Yorkshire Police spoke about 'How to Avoid Online Fraud & Scams' to Todmorden u3a members. She outlined some of most common ways of being defrauded. Read more 20 Dec 2021

'Bowing to Tradition the Unexpected Sides of Japanese Society' was the subject of the talk given by Jim Holmes to a recent meeting the University of the 3rd Age. Read report 29 Nov 2021

Climate – What's all the fuss about? David Ramsden told the recent meeting of the University of the Third Age that ice loss is accelerating, crop failures and droughts are increasing, wildlife decline is accelerating, fish stocks are declining, air pollution currently kills 8.7 million people each year, and the sea level is rising fast. Read report 7 Nov

The Real-life Sherlock Holmes The guest speaker at the recent meeting of the University of the Third Age was Joe O'Neill, who spoke about the life and times of Jerome Caminada, a 19th century policeman and detective in Manchester. Read more 26 Sept 2021

Secret Wartime Britain The guest speaker at the August U3A meeting was Colin Philpott, a journalist and author. His subject was ‘Secret Wartime Britain’. He began saying that the ‘secret’, or rather ‘secrets’ would only remain as such by the population knowing very little of what was going on throughout the country and keeping what they did know to themselves.(8 Sept 2021)

The Idea of the Brain Prof Matthew Cobb told a recent University of the 3rd Age meeting about "The Idea of the Brain" and the history of human understanding of how the brain works. Read report 22 July 2021

A Detective Story – the rediscovery of Parlington Hall, once the home of the Gascoignes, a noted Yorkshire family. It was situated near Aberford, the other side of Leeds, alongside the A1(M). A block of Alms Houses can be seen from that road. They were built in 1844 and consisted of eight apartments, with a canteen at one end, and a chapel at the other. Read more (30 June)

The Biscuit - the History of a Very British Indulgence Dr Lizzie Collingham told U3A members about her research into the History of a very British indulgence, from near prehistoric breads and biscuits in the Middle East to tales of British naval supremacy, colonial life and industrial food production. Read more (22 April)

Three World-Changing Women Scientists: Speaker Georgina Ferry told a recent meeting of the University of the 3rd Age a tale of three ground-breaking women scientists of the twentieth century: Kathleen Lonsdale, Dorothy Crowfoot and Rosalind Franklin. Read report (30 March)

The First digital census on 21st March

Gaynor Thompson-Clarke, Census Engagement Manager for Calderdale, gave an informative talk to the Todmorden u3a on the 2nd March alerting members to the forthcoming first digital census on the 21st March. It is digital, but as Gaynor pointed out, it can still be paper or even telephone based if it is required. Read report. (10 March 2021)

The Humour and Art of the Picture Postcard

Dr James Taylor told the local U3A of the history of the picture postcard as an art form, as a mode of communication, as propaganda and as a vehicle for humour. Read report. (24 Feb 2021)

Vaccines and Vaccination in Calderdale Over 100 members of the University of Third Age attended a Zoom talk by the Director of Public Health for Calderdale, Deborah Harkins, who explained that the purposes of the vaccination programme. Read report (18 Feb 2021)

On Top of the World in a Wheelchair – An Uplifting Tale Deborah North told the January meeting of the U3A how she used an award-winning all-terrain wheelchair to access national parks, 'walk' coast to coast and achieve 3 munros, and is planning for Helvelyn. Read report. (28 Jan)

Preventing flooding by slowing the flow of water Adrian Horton, one of the founders of Slow the Flow, gave a powerful and enthusiastic talk to the members of Todmorden U3A on Monday evening at 7 pm, as the first of a special event for the group to bring to the fore local issues. Nearly 60 people heard Adrian deliver a passionate speech, by Zoom, outlining the four key areas that the group had worked in since being formed in 2016. Saturday, 16 January 2021

'Fool's Gold' Entertains U3A with a Festive Pot Pourri of Non-Stop Entertainment. Fool's Gold entertained the members who attended with their well-known carols and popular songs for a good hour. Read report (Sunday, 27 December 2020)

The origins of the Circus Stephen Ward, the speaker at the recent U3A meeting, was only four when he discovered his lifelong passion for the circu. Focussing on one of the early giants, he talked about the life and times of Philip Astley, also known as "Billy Buttons". (Thursday, 26 November 2020)

How Cosmic Collisions Can Change Worlds Todmorden U3A was given a rare opportunity, at their October meeting, to Zoom into exciting new research by Dr Jacob Kegerreis of Durham University who offered us some of the latest insights into the role of giant planetary collisions in the history of our solar system. (Wednesday, 21 October 2020)

Living with COVID 19 and how we can fight back Todmorden U3A asked Dr Zania Stamataki, a Senior Lecturer in Virology, to give us a better understanding of what Covid-19 is doing in our bodies and an insight into how our bodies fight back.

Spectacular Sharks, Turtles, Crocodiles and Gannets was the title of the recent U3A talk. Wildlife and underwater photographer, David Keep spoke of some of his often hair-raising journeys to obtain some amazing sea-life photographs and videos. (Thursday, 6 August 2020)

Zooming into: pub and inn signs: Todmorden U3A’s first virtual Monthly Members’ Meeting was an insightful pictorial and historical tour of Britain described through some of our pub and inn signs, with speaker Michael Astrop. (23 July 2020)

The Captive Queen Speaker David Templeman told a recent meeting of the University of the Third Age about his researches into the life of Marie Stuart, Mary Queen of Scots. (12 March 2020)

Flood brings penguins to the U3A with speaker Sue Flood, wildlife photographer and film maker (16 Feb 2020)

Radiophonic Razzle-Dazzle 'Cinderella' A U3A Sponsored and Commissioned, subtly scripted, wickedly witty, perfectly punned, colourfully costumed, musically magical, audibly amplified and magnificently marketed Christmas panto. (3 Jan 2020)

A Day in the Museum with Frogs, Firearms and Flames with speaker Heather Davis (10 Dec 2019)

The Last Cowkeeper in Garston with speaker Dave Joy (12 Nov 2019)

Saving Lives: the work of the RNLI with speaker Diana Leitch MBE (2 Oct 2019)

Love of Chocolate, Love of Science with speaker Diana Leitch MBE (6 Sept 2019)

Bradford Warriors – Suffragettes at Large with speaker Helen Broadhead (13 Aug 2019)

The Lost Kingdom of Elmet with speaker Dave Weldrake (11 July 2019)

A Cat among the Literary Pigeons with speaker Patrick Wildgust (7 June 2019)

HebWeb News: Maria Glot, Saltaire’s Industrial-Historical Storyteller (7 April 2019)

HebWeb News: Barrow Lad Goes Bargaining in Middle East with speaker Philip Caines (2 March 2019)

HebWeb News: Pathways Films: The Stuff of Legend with speakers Peter Thornton and Ray Riches (30 Jan 2019)

HebWeb News: Christmas Music and a Cracking Quiz (11 Jan 2019)

HebWeb News: Teazles and Teazlemen in Todmorden with speaker Robert McMillan (12 Dec 2018)

HebWeb News: Rhetoric: Convenient Claptrap for the Conman? with speaker Robert Cockcroft (1 Nov 2018)

HebWeb News:Have Guitar, Will Travel – to the USSR with speaker Neil Smith (8 Oct 2018)

HebWeb News: Trust Me - I'm a Plague Doctor with speaker David Bell (23 Aug 2018)

HebWeb News: Dementia – a One Stop Guide with speaker June Andrews (2 Aug 2018)

HebWeb News: One career is simply not enough! with speaker Allan Shalks (17 July 2018)

HebWeb News: Happy 10th Anniversary, U3A Todmorden! with speaker Granville Dobson (7 June 2018)

HebWeb News: Adventures of a magistrate with speaker Granville Dobson (28 April 2018)

HebWeb News: The Battle of the Somme: Facts Speak for Themselves with speaker Geoff Carter (22 March 2018)

HebWeb News: Celebrating Calderdale in Film with speaker Dr Peter Thornton and Ray Riches (7 March 2018)

HebWeb News: Nemesis with speaker Dr Emma Stafford (30 Jan 2018)

HebWeb News: Picking Sticks, Patents and Power Looms with Ian Gibson (16 Dec 2017)

HebWeb News: One Woman Antiques Roadshow with Sheila Antrobus (5 Nov 2017)

HebWeb News: Greenwode to Gibson to National Trust with speaker Trevor Moody (10 Oct 2017)

HebWeb News: Music for Pleasure and Food for Thought with speakers Neil Smith and Geoff Tansey (13 Aug 2017)

HebWeb News: The Political and Social satire of Gilbert and Sullivan (7 July 2017)

HebWeb News: Professor Scott Scores a Euro-Hit with speaker Professor Derek Scott of Leeds University (10 May 2017)

HebWeb News: Old Flames and Steamy Memories. With speaker Granville Dobson (9 April 2017)

HebWeb News: Titus Salt – Philanthropic Paternalist or Capitalist Villain? With speaker Maria Glot (2 March 2017)

HebWeb News: Shaking Hitler's Hand (by proxy) - with speaker Alun Pugh (12 Feb 2017)

HebWeb News: Masterclass on Gilbert and Sullivan at U3A Todmorden - with speaker Bernard Lockett (28 Oct 2016)

HebWeb News: Moses Holden, Autodidact of Preston - with speaker Steve Halliwell (7 Oct 2016)

HebWeb News: Volunteering in Palestine and Guatemala - with speaker David Gilman (9 Aug 2016)

HebWeb News: Snow, Permafrost, Insects, Iron - with speaker Dr Frank Nicholson (7 July 2016)

HebWeb News:Stranger in a Strange Land - with speaker Gill Russell (7 May 2016)

HebWeb News:Life with polio and a career as a TV and Radio presenter. with speaker Jane Shepherd (12 June 2016)

HebWeb News:Small in a Tall Person's World with speakers Hamish Willis and Penny Dean OBE (31 March 2016)

HebWeb News:In the Footsteps of Norbert Carteret (22 February 2016)

HebWeb News:Gallivanting on Public Transport - a Bus Pass from Berwick to Land's End (30 September 2015)

HebWeb News: Magna Carta - A (Mostly) Light-hearted look at 800 Years of History (1 September 2015)

HebWeb News: Summat a' Nowt - talk by Steve Murty (28 April 2015)

HebWeb News: My Convict Ancestors (12 April 2015)

HebWeb News: Aquaponics Lab - A Radical Solution (16 January 2015)

HebWeb News: British Professional Cycling – Tykes and Le Tour de France (11 December 2014)

HebWeb News: Life in La Serenissima, Venice - Kathryn Ogden (9 July 2014)

HebWeb News: University of the Third Age: The Machine that Changed the World (25 February 2014)

HebWeb News: University of the Third Age: Music and the Deaf (12 February 2014)

HebWeb News: University of the Third Age: Psychology and You - Part Two David Groves made a welcome return as a speaker at the October Todmorden U3A (26 October 2013)

HebWeb News: Hebden Bridge Little Theatre, A Short History was recounted by Ray Riches to the University of the Third Age. (28 Aug 2013)

HebWeb News: John Sheard, retired land agent to the Duke of Devonshire, gave his third talk to members of the U3A, this time on Sir Joseph Paxton, Knighted Gardener (26 July 2013)

HebWeb News: Off Stage Choices: Andrew Rawlinson recounts his theatre experience from Tod Operatic to General Manager of a leading Theatre Group. (18 July 2013)

HebWeb News: The Story of the Hebden Bridge Calendar (April 2013)

HebWeb News: Changing Times in the Press (March 2013)

HebWeb News: Cancer from Both Sides (Nov 2012)

HebWeb News: Steve Halliwell outlined the history of the Woodland Trust (Sept 2012)

HebWeb News: Ray Riches talks on Walking the Pacific Crest Trail (Aug 2012)

HebWeb News: Pitch and Pythagoras - Pulse and Prison (July 2012)

HebWeb News - Lord Shutt explains the workings of the House of Lords (May 2012)

HebWeb News - Claire Benedict talks acting to Todmorden U3A (April 2012)

HebWeb News - Kate Moreton-Deakin spoke about her day job as Associate Director - Corporate Social Responsibility with Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust. (Feb 2012)

HebWeb News - Fair Trade Movement (Feb 2012)

HebWeb News - Fancy a cruise to the Antarctic? (Feb 2012)

HebWeb News - Gail Allaby, U3A's Queen of the Underworld (Dec 2011)

HebWeb News - September meeting report - Report of meeting about Walking the Pacific Crest Trail

HebWeb News - August meeting report - Bolton Abbey

HebWeb News - May and June meeting report - Keep Learning: Live long and prosper and the role of the Lord-Lieutenant

HebWeb News - April meeting report - Belt and Braces - An Everyday Guide to Risk and Chance

HebWeb News - March meeting report - Growing Old in the Twenty-First Century

We try to make sure that information on the Hebden Bridge Web is correct, but if you are aware of any errors or omissions, please email us.

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